Divine Health From The Inside Out

As a nutritional therapy practitioner, I get asked about supplements all the time. Do we really need to supplement? Can’t we get everything we need from our food? If we do need to supplement, what are the best supplements to take?

The short answer is yes. We all need to supplement. Food alone, unfortunately, is no longer enough to supply us with all our body's nutrient demands.

I am a BIG believer in getting as many of your nutrients a day through your diet. The most bio-available nutrients are those found in nature’s best multi-vitamin: a diverse, homemade, nutrient-dense real foods diet, ideally from local organic sources. That said, in our toxic world with depleted soils, high levels of stress, and generally depleting lifestyles, we all need a little extra boost.

I do believe it's very important to know for sure our body's mineral levels to help us know what to eat and how to supplement correctly. I work with clients all the time based on hair tissue mineral analysis to assess exactly what their body needs and am very satisfied with many of the supplements found here at Perfect Supplements. Read more about hair analysis here: http://divinehealthfromtheinsideout.com/hair-analysis/ For those who have not yet tested in any way to know for sure what their body needs, there are in fact some great broad recommendations that most everyone can use. You will find my favorite options for general use below.