In our first article we learned
what collagen is and in our last article we learned why collagen is so important to our health.
In this article we start to put some meat on the bones (sorry, could
not resist) and look at ways to increase collagen in our diet.Grandma Was Right, Drink Your B…
In our first article,
What is Collagen,
we learned…wait for it…what collagen is! Sure, we went over the basics
in that article, but I can tell you want more than just the basics. You
want to learn the real science behind collagen and how it functions in
our body. Which conveniently eno…
How does collagen really make you more
beautiful from the inside out? Was it really the gelatin in Grandma’s
chicken soup that gave it it’s healing powers? What’s the difference
between Collagen, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Gelatin and Collagen Peptides? Is
all collagen the same? Why does “fat c…
Why Have One Name When You Can Have Five?
When it comes to science, medicine and biology the rule seems to be,
the more names you can give to the same basic thing, the better. So,
take a swig of your coconut oil infused green tea and let’s get this
terminology out of the way…
Gelatin –…
African Mango offers an array of exciting health benefits. While all are important health concerns, the benefit that usually draws the most interest to this amazing fruit are it’s proven weight management properties. Other benefits clinically proven include …
Supports Cardiovascular FunctionSuppor…
Magnesium is a mineral, aka an element, that is found in abundance in the natural world. For perspective, in nature there are 92 naturally occurring elements; of those, over 90% of the Earth's land mass is primarily composed of only
four: iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium.
Similarly, magnesi…
“Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance? The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables, and grains) now being raised on mill…
Organic substances are those that are found in nature, those that are not man-made. Many supplement products claim to be all natural substances, but in fact may contain synthetic components in their products. There can be big differences in terms of your body’s response to a product based on whet…
You know the saying“you are what you eat?” This is a true statement in the sense that if you consume healthy, nutritious things your body will feel the benefits. When consuming products that are animal sourced it is important that those animals are also fed a healthy and nutrient dense diet that is…
What are Excipients?
Excipients are inactive “other ingredients” in a supplement that do not contribute any form of nutritional value or benefit. They can be synthetic or semi-synthetic agents and may cause adverse physical reactions. When searching for quality supplements it is recommended to a…